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Home > IndonesiaRock &POPS.Trad. > BAGONG ADU AYAM / BAGONG& Favorites group & Titik sandhra & Mus mulyadi LP Indonesia OST. Trad. Kroncong Psych POP.


Record jacket sealed up with VINYL as shown in photograph 3. And, the note card of the mystery that the former owner did of straightening. Good handwriting cannot be read by passing. Safety because it is not pasted it to the jacket.

BAGONG ADU AYAM / BAGONG& Favorites group & Titik sandhra & Mus mulyadi LP Indonesia OST. Trad. Kroncong Psych POP.
BAGONG ADU AYAM / BAGONG& Favorites group & Titik sandhra & Mus mulyadi LP Indonesia OST. Trad. Kroncong Psych POP.
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About 35% is a record about which BAGONG& Favorites group & Titik sandhra & Mus mulyadi chats. It is a sound track record of the TV program. OST。Titik sandhra is a HIBARI MISORA in Indonesia. Queen (A lot of female singers who have the charm like a beautiful beast are in Indonesia) performance of the every beast is Favorites group introduced with the book on HANS POKORA. The magic formation of DREAMY POP is opened, and shut doubtfully. Place where part where element of Trad is included enough in music scale is greatly different from trivial record in sphere in English. Because it is a country has been invaded all countries, the pattern of music is not simple at all either.
BAGONG ADU AYAM is an example not so though as for the record of such a project, there are a lot of one of the content like garbage. The tune etc. where Titik sandhra takes the vocal are especially wonderful.
It is a feelings Big tune when installing in i-pod and listening in the car.
Retail price:7800JPY
Our price: 7800JPY

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