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Home > IndonesiaRock &POPS.Trad. > VIVI SUMANTI with Frans Daromes/ DENDANG SAJANG LP indonesia Kroncong Dangdut POP PSYCH .Like swigin' london!


Small small noise in LP。There is no damage in the state of DEATH. And, it conditions it of can the enjoyment enough. LP that can listen to music without the stress in Indonesia is scarce. Record where SKIP is done. The jacket is bitten by the rat, the jacket is eaten or there is no jacket, the record has cracked, and such a commodity is sold as a commodity in the market.

However, I am SAKON-DOU. A Japanese quality is demonstrated. The record where LP that did SKIP and DEATH Damage attached because it is a professional is not bought, and not sold. And, the record is delivered to your house while washed to the limit with our equipment and vacuum type record washing machine parts.

VIVI SUMANTI with Frans Daromes/ DENDANG SAJANG LP indonesia Kroncong Dangdut POP PSYCH .Like swigin' london!
VIVI SUMANTI with Frans Daromes/ DENDANG SAJANG LP indonesia Kroncong Dangdut POP PSYCH .Like swigin' london!
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Work of VIVI SUMANTI.1972 year when ARSIANTI GROUP and 10inch of popular were announced. Frans Daromes and Duet. There is no MISS in the record choice if the backing band is Eka Sapta.
Indonesian songs + Swingin 'London + psychedelic (sitar introduction)+ Music that unites all Kroncong+Dangdut. The many kinds mixtures outstrip SERGIO MENDES, and are the same as CRAZY KEN BAND of Japan ( CKB). It is doubtful. It is "Tram. " of CKB. That rhythm is completely arranged by the rhythm of popular music Kroncong of Indonesia. Pickings of the guitar are all UP. There is actually music of an Asian characteristic near reggae and BOSSA. And, MIX with the rock'n'roll at time when FLOWER POWER until about 1967 to 72 years is strong. . This is a masterpiece of SOFT ROCK. The sound of a flute and strings are composed as the grain of the sound detailed as that of Mama 'S&Papa' s, and indeed exactly, and are beautiful. Such a jacket and the highest music (from Indonesia) might surely enchant the Japanese, and it infiltrate. It is " 777 " when saying that MOOD is near in the album of CKB. By the way, Mr. MASAO ONOSE of CKB is a mania of the music of Indonesia.


Small small noise in LP。There is no damage in the state of DEATH. And, it conditions it of can the enjoyment enough. LP that can listen to music without the stress in Indonesia is scarce. Record where SKIP is done. The jacket is bitten by the rat, the jacket is eaten or there is no jacket, the record has cracked, and such a commodity is sold as a commodity in the market.

However, I am SAKON-DOU. A Japanese quality is demonstrated. The record where LP that did SKIP and DEATH Damage attached because it is a professional is not bought, and not sold. And, the record is delivered to your house while washed to the limit with our equipment and vacuum type record washing machine parts.
Retail price:5800JPY
Our price: 5800JPY

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