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Home > IndonesiaRock &POPS.Trad. > DARA Puspita / 10inch LP A GO!GO! 3rd Psych garage Indonesia Orig LP POKORA


10inch LP= VG+   
Jacket= VG(+)

The noise B-side LastTrack has two seconds Noise(three noises and Lasttrack of huge A-side) is generated. There is damage that picks up two noises though the condition is put in case of my.. EX - if it did not have the weak point. The noise decreases Play music Music. all the more with the needle of MONO you. Ladies and gentlemen. Let's apply the habit of listening to music with the needle of MONO and the cartridge of MONO. Because it is wonderful.

DARA Puspita  /  10inch LP A GO!GO! 3rd Psych garage Indonesia Orig LP POKORA
DARA Puspita / 10inch LP A GO!GO! 3rd Psych garage Indonesia Orig LP POKORA
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Three big noises exist. Remain listening enough as a used record in Indonesia especially without trouble ..another... Almost EX -
。NO SKIP But It hasBig noise 3POINT 3times pick up big noise on Side-A!track 「To LOVE somebody」and Last Track.
If you haveMono NEADLE.May beLIsten EX-

So I Jude this LP= VG+。

The last tune is FolkyRock as if DARA PUSPITA challenged the tune of BYRDS . Reverberation that hangs to the whole must be pleasant. I like SAKON-DOU in the second in all albums of DARA PUSPITA. Chance. It sends it out from Japan. There are few records that can endure reproducing to the last minute safely in Indonesia. Though I think that it is a chance.
Retail price:17800JPY
Our price: 17800JPY

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