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Home > IndonesiaRock &POPS.Trad. > ERNIE DJOHAN / I’m a Tiger Indonesia psych Garage MODS LP

Condition 10inch LP=VG +(+)/ Jacket=VG + (There are about seven-centimeter tear like understanding when expanding in some tiredness and photographs. It is not so anxious. As the record in Indonesia, it is the beauty goods. )

ERNIE DJOHAN / I’m a Tiger Indonesia psych Garage  MODS LP
ERNIE DJOHAN / I’m a Tiger Indonesia psych Garage MODS LP
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It seems that it is a recording for 69 years. This is really highest. It is a content that all DJ of the music specialty of Asia dies immediately. The beat strikes for the hammer, and a high-speed Soft Rock tune is collected. Perfect matchless RECORD exceeds the limit chorus's Harmony of the arrangement of strings etc. .excellent of a too perfect record , for instance, Isley Brothers and Free Design, etc. oppositely , saying that "There is individuality" though feels the saying feeling (Still, I edacious am a large idiot who thinks that it wants to buy it even if a lot of money is contributed of such a kind of record . father, mother, Grand Mother, and Sorry....). This record is abundant to how to stand and the originality of the character as perfect Groove is kept. How that tone of individual guitar is wonderful to wither. It trains to audition Cover of "I'm Tiger" of female professional singer LULU of Swingin London, and satisfy it, please. It is COOL&HOT by about 10,000 times LULU. 。Avaricious power of this arrangement and a smooth arrangement and the south woman (yellow race woman) like impudent is only one. It is possible to declare. When listening to this one, shock felt admiration sincerely in case of strength, and "You may have a hard time to Indonesia and come to buy a used record", and remembered sadness of selling off such a record however. It is 10inch LP of the highest all tunes. In SAKONDOU that is my empire, 7inch of her also discharges while crying in addition. Such a record is actually my favor. The ranking is done without fail by BEST5 on the record in a lot of Indonesia. This is sweet, sweet MILK&HONEY.... that the god at one time gave . Let's dance all night long.
Retail price:16800JPY
Our price: 16800JPY

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