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Home > IndonesiaRock &POPS.Trad. > Trio Aster / Same Soft Rock psych Indonesia Lolita POPS

Condition LP=EX / Jacket=VG(+)
It is thinly reinforced to the square with the tape as understood when the photograph is often seen. The jacket that had cut was not mended but it is reinforcement. It seems that the owner who had bought this record followed it beforehand in the beginning so that the jacket should not become too much poor Condition. Such a culture is in Indonesia. It is considerably natural.

Trio Aster / Same Soft Rock psych Indonesia Lolita POPS
Trio Aster / Same Soft Rock psych Indonesia Lolita POPS
Recording in 1968. Soft psychedelic band in Indonesia. Voice lovely like SPAIN's PIC-NIC and JEANETTE etc. of Spain. Masterpiece that will make a hit with everyone. A crafty [aaitta] mood is none at all though the jacket seems to be psychedelic and pop about the Britain style that is often because of the rainbow. It seems that the explanation that it is Lolita Pops in the south is the most adequate. As for backing, the performance level has been secured by Zaenal Combo. Pretty record that can be recommended from DJ also for fan of collector and French pop. It is published in Record Collector 6001 of HANS POKORA between you and me and the barn. should? buy here now before a terrible, high price adheres,This is a favorite record on the record that was made a passage for Indonesia and harvested. Popularity puts it out.
Retail price:13800JPY
Our price: 13800JPY

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