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Home > IndonesiaRock &POPS.Trad. > GEMBELL's / 4th ORIGINAL LP Progfolk psych Indonesia POPKORA

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Jacket=VG (+)(There is tiredness in the back of the jacket seeing the photograph like understanding).

GEMBELL's / 4th ORIGINAL  LP Progfolk  psych Indonesia   POPKORA
GEMBELL's / 4th ORIGINAL LP Progfolk psych Indonesia POPKORA
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It is previous Rolling Stone magazine (Indonesian version) and rock'n'roll CD of Indonesia by about two years. It was not only by Indonesia for these two years by the feature project named BEST100, and the music freak of Europe and Japan and the United States evaluated the record like 60s to 82 year. LP, EP, and 10inch cassette tape of Indonesia is large amount of money in the market in Indonesia because of this now.

The record of this GEMBELLs does the released title in the BEST100 and the ranking is almost done though the talk returns. And, it is evaluated to Collector 's Dreams series of HANS POKORA worldwide by roughly 75Euro to 180Euro and large amount of money. This Composition who is 4th album ..POP that multiuses the ballade and tropical ACID FOLK and Mellotrom.. finishes in the album to which a very coloring such as Number was abundant. Goods of ..indeed hail-fellow POP Tune though lack the exploding image and set up by a macho ism in Progress directly. jacketA beautiful melody such as A-2.4.B-1.2 is full loading. It is a point that it is so, and the maximum feature has succeeded in the pretty tune making. It is beautiful for the voice to be compared with genius singer Antonio Smith of CHILE of South America. The ensemble also indeed has the intonation, and it is possible to listen to the insistence on any part beautifully. It is universal. Tones of a piano preserved B-3 in my i-pod especially beautifully.
Retail price:8000JPY
Our price: 7800JPY

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