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Home > IndonesiaRock &POPS.Trad. > Benjamin's & IDA ROJANI / TUKANG KRIDIT indonesia Psych Funk LP

ondition LP=VG+(+) Jacket=VG(The tape repair and it exists. Externals are good. )

Benjamin's & IDA ROJANI / TUKANG KRIDIT  indonesia Psych Funk LP
Benjamin's & IDA ROJANI / TUKANG KRIDIT indonesia Psych Funk LP
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Record of legend that BENJAMIN 'S left with female singer named IDA ROJANI.

Such original, high GROOVE can be said that it is not with two even if looking for all over the world.

Content that can be recommended for DJ. Actually, it is introduced to the magazine 'GROOVE" published aiming at DJ in Japan. Courageous those who recommend it are Mr. Baba justice whom [hidarichikadou] and I respect. He posted wonderful of the music of Benjamin in media of Japan for the first time. Traditional musical instruments of Indonesia are not grudged and made good use of, and moreover, it is gorgeous and FUNKY. Soul of Benjamin. solvingThe rhythm is a feeling that splashes sideways. As for lyrics of a lot of songs of Benjamin, the thing about which it thinks by the improvisation is sung. How to make the tune resembles the style of CAPTAIN BEEFHEART closely. It is surprising thing. JAMES BROWN meets CAPTAIN BEEFHEART. Moreover, it is no conscious. And, the record of Benjamin after all is Cool&Hot the jacket is interesting. It is Miss none in record of the beard in the record in Southeast Asia. About 1000 on the stage car face of Benjamin.s is a common charm to the hero, exists, and the expression is rich. Funk of Southeast Asia has exploded to the listening place on this record. There is Groove that the United States is Funk and quite different. GROOVE of Indonesia is loose and is gentle. It is how not sharp to strike it. This commodity is the beauty goods in the record in Indonesia like impossible. This record doesn't appear in Japan and an overseas auction either.
Retail price:4380JPY
Our price: 4380JPY

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