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Home > SINGAPORE Rock.POPS > Nancy sit /A Go Go LP Garage psych Freakbeat POP Singapore ( HONG KONG)

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Nancy sit /A Go Go LP  Garage psych Freakbeat  POP Singapore ( HONG KONG)
Nancy sit /A Go Go LP Garage psych Freakbeat POP Singapore ( HONG KONG)
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It is a Hong Kong debut board of the female professional singer and Nancy Sit that represents Singapore. Announcement in 1968.
A respect is English Rock 'roll and Cover of the rockabilly. Tone of guitar of Freak beat it withers and with tasting without reserve. It is Too much NICE ! special and it can enjoy a still special beat. B respect descends about four in all by Chinese lyrics, and is intimate to the popular song or more. And, Side-B of this arrival of goods and this record is good and the state is not good. Time and the time which it looks for hang the obstacle that can happen naturally the beauty goods. Hard for Find Item.At any rate, it is a masterpiece of Garage and FreakBeat. There is special Groove, too.
Are two stars put up with Collector Dream 5001 of HANS POKORA, and if it is the beauty goods, it 11000 yen?It is cheap because there is a noise in B respect though is a commodity that is ( 100Euro to 180Euro) for about 22000 yen. I can recommend this LP for DJ. Because it has Beat!
It is a record of STREO. Chance!
Retail price:4280JPY
Our price: 4280JPY

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