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Home Beauty and Health Beauty care

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Kirei Navi
Description Cosmetics, supplements, dietary goods.
The Company has all kinds of dietary supplements from nature, cosmetics for beauty care.
Products Makeup Supplement Diet supplement
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Naturar Garden
Description Online shop for beauty and health.
Online shop for beauty and health. And also food and supplements for diets.
Products Skin care Hair care
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Description Make-up and cosmetics
Great choice of make-up, body soaps, cleansings etc.
Products Makeup Cosmetics
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Description Ozone Water and Ozone cosmetics
Select shop for products ozone
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Description Supplement for women's skin. There is a trial product.
In Placenta-plaza there is "Plukuru placenta" which we recommand to take regularly. And there is sample for 10 days for the first user. Take one tablet each day and you feel different in your face sk...
Products supplement for women
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