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Home > JAPANESE Rock & POPS. JAPANESE > TestPattern / ApresMidi Yellow magic orchestra YMO HOSONO BEST! Miracle in 1982

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TestPattern /  ApresMidi   Yellow magic orchestra YMO  HOSONO BEST! Miracle in 1982
TestPattern / ApresMidi Yellow magic orchestra YMO HOSONO BEST! Miracle in 1982
Contents are pure techno system music though the photograph that two black tap dancers are dancing is treated as for the jacket by HIRUMA MASAO whose design is a profession. Album title Apres-Midi means "Coffee in the afternoon" in French. Not the hard ELECTRO system even if it is said the faction of tramping but the calm tune that cannot be indescribably said continues. It is feeling that unlimitedly aims at an easy listening. The Image of is "Put a liitle fun in your day" written the copy in liner notes perhaps spot-on. It is "One wonderful o'clock in you. " exactly.

In five in A respect, it is the vocal one and five in B respect is an instrumental. Vocal is sung by [koe] SLEEPY of the Hosono style. This is quite pleasant though it is a tune of feeling of really taking no notice. It is "Modern Living" of last in A respect to be collected as a tune of TESTPATTERN by 'YEN classbook' (85). As such, when listening to this for the first time, you may be sapid though it was not thought that it was honestly blocked when passing in this album and listening. There might be not understanding the quality of the tune easily when the composition of the tune is a life in the album or only one is pulled out in such a meaning.

The tune of the first "Ring Dance" in B respect was and there was considerably an impact for me. A sound arrangement had already started in rhythmical music though it was minimal music that repeated the phrase. The arrangement of HOSONO is the best work.

MASTER PIECE is fresh in the tune that has not been listened with a discovery new no matter how it is effective by a wonderful work so far. I do not feel the age quite though 20 years or more have already passed from release. Perhaps, when saying that the afternoon will be slowly spent as it is a title, it seems that it will start being frequent. By the way, the number of albums that TESTPATTERN released is only this one to our regret.
Retail price:4800JPY
Our price: 4800JPY

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