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Home > IndonesiaRock &POPS.Trad. > LANNY SISTERS / Bertamasja LP Indonesia Soft psych Lolita POPS Children Rare Groove

LP=EX -(Some noises are in the last tune)

LANNY SISTERS / Bertamasja LP Indonesia Soft psych Lolita POPS Children  Rare Groove
LANNY SISTERS / Bertamasja LP Indonesia Soft psych Lolita POPS Children Rare Groove
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It is a record that DJ of the Asian music specialty becomes desperate and it searches for. "Strike it or HIT" clearly The reason for the beat is that it is ultra easy Music as entering in BEST 5 in being the kind of that in the record of a lovely female vocal though a lot of works that are exist. POPS of Indonesia itIt is recognized that it is "Tabah Dan Cobalah" of Dara Puspita and personally a masterpiece that can extend equally each other. If the majority compare it, Soft rock of the single-mindedly sweet best such as Misses JEANETTE and Claudine Longet. Additionally, the BOSSA tune and the Latin tune that flows from the right to the left and is thrown are collected. The tone of a warm Moog organ heals us. I listen and am hatching this record by this discharge, and it becomes large amount of money and it is possible to consent with overseas auction dice last year dealings by large amount of money of 358$. And, it is non-standard beauty goods as the record in Indonesia. It is the last tune of B-side and Chile EX a little if it forces it excluding the part to which it is lucky. The jacket is EX. By the way, the record made a successful bid for by 358$ last year was further, worse than this condition, and one. Please there is not overlooking. It is an item unavailable if it is not greatly lucky even if proceeding to the locale.
Retail price:14800JPY
Our price: 14800JPY

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